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タイトルStatic Testing of an Inflatable/Rigidizable Hexapod Structure
著者(英)Horta, L. G.; Taleghani, B. K.; Berger, K. T.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述Scientific application of large space antennas and telescopes is fostering the study of ultralightweight and inflatable structures. These so-called gossamer structures are tightly packaged for launch and subsequent deployment. Of particular interest is a hexapod configuration often found in vehicle ride simulators, ground-based telescopes, and antennas. One such configuration was modeled and tested at NASA Langley. Discrepancies between dynamic test data and predictions from a finite element model prompted additional static testing. This paper discusses static tests that were conducted to update stiffness parameters in the finite element model.
NASA分類Structural Mechanics
レポートNOAIAA Paper 2004-1801
権利No Copyright
