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タイトルInitial Efforts toward Mission-Representative Imaging Surveys from Aerial Explorers
著者(英)Lee, Pascal; Young, Larry A.; Ippolito, Corey; Pisanich, Greg; Plice, Laura; Lau, Benton
著者所属(英)QSS Group, Inc.
内容記述Numerous researchers have proposed the use of robotic aerial explorers to perform scientific investigation of planetary bodies in our solar system. One of the essential tasks for any aerial explorer is to be able to perform scientifically valuable imaging surveys. The focus of this paper is to discuss the challenges implicit in, and recent observations related to, acquiring mission-representative imaging data from a small fixed-wing UAV, acting as a surrogate planetary aerial explorer. This question of successfully performing aerial explorer surveys is also tied to other topics of technical investigation, including the development of unique bio-inspired technologies.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利No Copyright
