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タイトルEngineering Documentation and Data Control
著者(英)Ciaruffoli, Veronica; Matteson, Michael J.; Bramley, Craig
著者所属(英)Mississippi Space Services
内容記述Mississippi Space Services (MSS) the facility services contractor for NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center (SSC), is utilizing technology to improve engineering documentation and data control. Two identified improvement areas, labor intensive documentation research and outdated drafting standards, were targeted as top priority. MSS selected AutoManager(R) WorkFlow from Cyco software to manage engineering documentation. The software is currently installed on over 150 desctops. The outdated SSC drafting standard was written for pre-CADD drafting methods, in other words, board drafting. Implementation of COTS software solutions to manage engineering documentation and update the drafting standard resulted in significant increases in productivity by reducing the time spent searching for documents.
NASA分類Computer Programming and Software
権利No Copyright
