タイトル | SSP Technology Investigation of a High-Voltage DC-DC Converter |
本文(外部サイト) | http://hdl.handle.net/2060/20020065237 |
著者(英) | Pappas, J. A.; Grady, W. M.; George, Patrick J. |
著者所属(英) | Texas Univ. |
発行日 | 2002-06-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | The goal of this project was to establish the feasibility of a high-voltage DC-DC converter based on a rod-array triggered vacuum switch (RATVS) for the Space Solar Power system. The RATVS has many advantages over silicon and silicon-carbide devices. The RATVS is attractive for this application because it is a high-voltage device that has already been demonstrated at currents in excess of the requirement for an SSP device and at much higher per-device voltages than existing or near-term solid state switching devices. The RATVS packs a much higher specific power rating than any solid-state device and it is likely to be more tolerant of its surroundings in space. In addition, pursuit of an RATVS-based system would provide NASA with a nearer-term and less expensive power converter option for the SSP. |
NASA分類 | Spacecraft Propulsion and Power |
レポートNO | E-13342 NAS 1.26:211562 NASA/CR-2002-211562 |
権利 | Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights |
URI | https://repository.exst.jaxa.jp/dspace/handle/a-is/224708 |