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タイトルPEGASUS 5: An Automated Pre-Processor for Overset-Grid CFD
著者(英)Rogers, Stuart E.; Suhs, Norman E.; Kwak, Dochan; Dietz, William E.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述An all new, automated version of the PEGASUS software has been developed and tested. PEGASUS provides the hole-cutting and connectivity information between overlapping grids, and is used as the final part of the grid generation process for overset-grid computational fluid dynamics approaches. The new PEGASUS code (Version 5) has many new features: automated hole cutting; a projection scheme for fixing gaps in overset surfaces; more efficient interpolation search methods using an alternating digital tree; hole-size optimization based on adding additional layers of fringe points; and an automatic restart capability. The new code has also been parallelized using the Message Passing Interface standard. The parallelization performance provides efficient speed-up of the execution time by an order of magnitude, and up to a factor of 30 for very large problems. The results of three example cases are presented: a three-element high-lift airfoil, a generic business jet configuration, and a complete Boeing 777-200 aircraft in a high-lift landing configuration. Comparisons of the computed flow fields for the airfoil and 777 test cases between the old and new versions of the PEGASUS codes show excellent agreement with each other and with experimental results.
NASA分類Computer Programming and Software
権利No Copyright
