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タイトルOn the Information Content of Program Traces
著者(英)Saini, Subhash; Hood, Robert; Yan, Jerry; Frumkin, Michael
著者所属(英)MRJ Technology Solutions, Inc.|NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述Program traces are used for analysis of program performance, memory utilization, and communications as well as for program debugging. The trace contains records of execution events generated by monitoring units inserted into the program. The trace size limits the resolution of execution events and restricts the user's ability to analyze the program execution. We present a study of the information content of program traces and develop a coding scheme which reduces the trace size to the limit given by the trace entropy. We apply the coding to the traces of AIMS instrumented programs executed on the IBM SPA and the SCSI Power Challenge and compare it with other coding methods. Our technique shows size of the trace can be reduced by more than a factor of 5.
NASA分類Computer Programming and Software
権利No Copyright
