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タイトルThe FCF Fluids Integrated Rack: Microgravity Fluid Physics Experimentation on Board the ISS
著者(英)Hill, Myron E.; Gati, Frank G.; SaintOnge, Tom
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述The Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR) is a modular, multi-user scientific research facility that will fly in the U.S. laboratory module, Destiny, of the International Space Station (ISS). The FIR will be one of the racks that will constitute the Fluids and Combustion Facility (FCF). The ISS will provide the FCF and therefore the FIR with the necessary resources, such as power and cooling, so that the FIR can carry out its primary mission of accommodating fluid physics science experiments. This paper discusses the mission, design, and the capabilities of the FIR in carrying out research on the ISS.
NASA分類Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
レポートNOAIAA Paper 2001-4926
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
