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タイトルPlanning and Scheduling for Fleets of Earth Observing Satellites
著者(英)Jonsson, Ari; Frank, Jeremy; Smith, David E.; Norvig, Peter; Morris, Robert
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述We address the problem of scheduling observations for a collection of earth observing satellites. This scheduling task is a difficult optimization problem, potentially involving many satellites, hundreds of requests, constraints on when and how to service each request, and resources such as instruments, recording devices, transmitters, and ground stations. High-fidelity models are required to ensure the validity of schedules; at the same time, the size and complexity of the problem makes it unlikely that systematic optimization search methods will be able to solve them in a reasonable time. This paper presents a constraint-based approach to solving the Earth Observing Satellites (EOS) scheduling problem, and proposes a stochastic heuristic search method for solving it.
NASA分類Astronautics (General)
権利No Copyright
