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タイトルAn Evaluation of Alternative Designs for a Grid Information Service
著者(英)Smith, Warren; Yan, Jerry; Kwak, Dochan; Meyers, David; Waheed, Abdul
著者所属(英)Computer Sciences Corp.
内容記述The Globus information service wasn't working well. There were many updates of data from Globus daemons which saturated the single server and users couldn't retrieve information. We created a second server for NASA and Alliance. Things were great on that server, but a bit slow on the other server. We needed to know exactly how the information service was being used. What were the best servers and configurations? This viewgraph presentation gives an overview of the evaluation of alternative designs for a Grid Information Service. Details are given on the workload characterization, methodology used, and the performance evaluation.
NASA分類Computer Systems
権利No Copyright
