JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルThe Origin of Monsoon Onset
著者(英)Chen, Baode; Einaudi, Franco; Chao, Winston C.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Through various specially designed numerical experiments with an aqua-planet general circulation model and theoretical arguments. Chao showed the existence of multiple quasi-equilibria of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). He also showed that monsoon onset could be interpreted as an abrupt transition between the quasi-equilibria of the ITCZ. He further showed that the origin of these quasi-equilibria is related to two different types of attraction pulling the ITCZ in opposite directions. One type of attraction on the ITCZ is due to earth's rotation, which pulls the ITCZ toward the equator or two equatorial latitudes symmetric with respect to the equator depending on the choice of convection scheme, and the other due to the peak of the sea surface temperature (SST, which is given in the experiments a Gaussian profile in latitude and is uniform in longitude), which pulls the ITCZ toward a latitude just poleward of the SST peak. The strength of the attraction due to the earth's rotation has a highly nonlinear dependence on the latitude and that due to the SST peak has a linear (at least in a relative sense) dependence on the latitude.
NASA分類Meteorology and Climatology
権利No Copyright
