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タイトルCreep and Toughness of Cryomilled NiAl Containing Cr
著者(英)Salem, Jon; Whittenberger, J. Daniel; Aikin, Beverly
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述NiAl-AlN + Cr composites were produced by blending cryomilled NiAl powder with approx. 10 vol % Cr flakes. In comparison to the as-consolidated matrices, hot isostatically pressed Cr-modified materials did not demonstrate any significant improvement in toughness. Hot extruded NiAl-AlN+10.5Cr, however, possessed a toughness twice that determine for the base NiAl-AlN alloy. Measurement of the 1200 to 1400 K plastic flow properties revealed that the strength of the composites was completely controlled by the properties of the NiAl-AlN matrices. This behavior could be successfully modeled by the Rule-of-Mixtures, where load is shed from the weak Cr to the strong matrix.
NASA分類Metals and Metallic Materials
権利No Copyright
