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タイトルThe DAO Retrospective Data Assimilation System
著者(英)Todling, Richardo; Zhu, Yanqiu; Einaudi, Franco
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The fixed-lag Kalman smoother of Cohn et al. (1994), or a version of a more computationally feasible approximation of it developed by Todling et al. (1998), is under implementation at the Data Assimilation Office (DAO) to build a retrospective data assimilation system (RDAS). The initial version of the RDAS uses the physical-space statistical analysis system and a modification of the incremental analysis update (IAU) procedure of Bloom et al. (1996); a follow up version of the RDAS Nill require the use of the adjoint of the DAO general circulation model (developed by Y. Yang and M Navon). The retrospective procedure is designed to produce improved analyses as well as improved assimilated fields consequently providing an improved climate representation through data assimilation.
NASA分類Theoretical Mathematics
権利No Copyright
