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タイトルPre-Launch Testing of GPS Receivers for Geodetic Space Missions
著者(英)Davis, Edward; Luthcke, Scott; Hawkins, Kimberly; Bauer, Frank; Davis, George
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The methodology used and the results obtained in the pre-flight testing of the Blackjack Global Positioning System (GPS) space receiver for the Vegetation Canopy Lidar Mission (VCL) and the Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) spacecraft is described. Both real and simulated signals were used to: (1) assess the accuracy and coverage of the navigation solutions, (2) assess the accuracy and stability of the 1-PPS timing signal, (3) assess the precision of the carrier phase observable, and (4) measure the cold-start time to first fix. In addition, an anechoic chamber was used to measure the antenna phase centers with millimeter-level precision. While the test results have generally been excellent and are discussed in this paper, emphasis is placed on describing the test methodology. It is anticipated that future geodetic satellite missions using GPS for navigation, timing, and precise orbit determination (POD) can employ the same tests for pre-launch performance assessment of their particular receiver.
NASA分類Composite Materials
権利No Copyright
