JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルA diffraction-limited far-infrared imager for the KAO
著者(英)Difrancesco, J.; Smith, Beverly J.; Lester, Dan F.; Sill, D.; Colome, C.; Harvey, Paul M.
著者所属(英)Texas Univ.
内容記述We describe both our current instrument and a follow-on instrument expected to be operational at the start of the next flight year on the KAO. The current instrument uses a 20-channel bolometer array arranged in two columns of 10 detectors each. Broadband observations can be made at the true diffraction limit, lambda/2D, at either 50 or 100 microns during a flight. Our forthcoming system will use two arrays of 3 x 10 detectors to enable simultaneous imaging at both 50 and 100 microns at the KAO diffraction limit for each wavelength. Observing modes and typical sensitivities will be discussed.
権利No Copyright
