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タイトルThe status of measurement technologies concerning micrometer and submicrometer space articulate matter capture, recovery, velocity and trajectory
著者(英)Tanner, William G.; Mcdonnell, J. A. M.; Maag, Carl R.; Schaub, G. E.; Stephenson, Stepheni L.; Mcdonald, R. A.; Alexander, W. M.
著者所属(英)Baylor Univ.
内容記述The return of a pristine sample from a comet would lead to greater understanding of cometary structures, as well as offering insights into exobiology. The paper presented at the Discovery Program Workshop outlined a set of measurements for what was identified as a SOCCER-like interplanetary mission. Several experiments comprised the total instrumentation. This paper presents a summary of CCSR with an overview of three of the four major instruments. Details of the major dust dynamics experiment including trajectory are given in this paper. The instrument proposed here offers the opportunity for the return of cometary dust particles gathered in situ. The capture process has been employed aboard the space shuttle with successful results in returning samples to Earth for laboratory analysis. In addition, the sensors will measure the charge, mass, velocity, and size of cometary dust grains during the encounter. This data will help our understanding of dusty plasmas.
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