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タイトルCharacteristics of plasma-puff trigger for a inverse-pinch plasma switch
著者(英)Choi, Eun H.; Han, Kwang S.; Venable, Demetrius D.; Lee, Ja H.
著者所属(英)Hampton Univ.
内容記述The plasma-puff triggering mechanism based on a hypocycloidal pinch geometry was investigated to determine the optimal operating conditions for the azimuthally uniform surface flashover which initiates plasma-puff under wide ranges of fill gas pressure of Ar, He and N2. The optimal fill-gas pressure range for the azimuthally uniform plasma-puff was about 120 mTorr less than or equal to P(sub op) less than or equal to 450 Torr for He and N2. For Argon 120 mTorr is less than or equal to P(sub op) is less than or equal to 5 Torr. The inverse-pinch switch was triggered with the plasma-puff and the switching capability under various electrical parameters and working gas pressures of Ar, He and N2 was determined. The azimuthally uniform switching discharges were dependent on the type of fill gas and its fill pressure. A new concept of plasma-focus driven plasma-puff will be discussed in comparison with the current hypocycloidal-pinch plasma-puff triggering.
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