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タイトルA deep ROSAT observation of the highly variable AGN 1E1403+5439 or ROSAT non-detection of the weak AGN 1E1403+5439
著者(英)Belloni, T.; Snowden, S. L.
著者所属(英)Max-Planck-Inst. fuer Extraterrestrische Physik
内容記述A long (33600 s) Rosat Position Sensitive Proportional Counter observation of the galaxy M101 was performed. The field includes the serendipitous Einstein source 1E1403 + 5439, which was previously observed to vary by a factor 5.5 in 160 days. Despite the higher sensitivity of the Rosat PSPC and the high exposure time, the source could not be detected down to a much lower flux limit than the lowest Einstein detection. The unusually high variability and the proximity (18 feet) to M101 make this source a good candidate for gravitational microlensing.
権利Copyright, Distribution within the U.S. granted by agreement
