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タイトルMeasurements of the backscattering phase matrices of crystal clouds with a polarization lidar
著者(英)Kaul, B. V.; Polovtseva, E. R.; Kuznetsov, A. L.
著者所属(英)Academy of Sciences (USSR)
内容記述A polarization technique based on measurements of intensities of the polarized I(parallel) and crosspolarized I(perpendicular) components of scattered radiation is often used in lidar studies of aerosols. The ratio I(perp)/I(para) is related to nonsphericity of scattering particles and it is often called, though unjustified, depolarization. Correct definition of the term has previously been shown to be the value d = 1 - P, where P is the degree of polarization defined in terms of the Stokes parameters. In fact, measurements of I(para) and I(perp) enable one to determine the Stokes parameter Q = I(para) - I(perp), and under the condition U = V = 0 the depolarization is determined by the relationship d = 2 x I(perp)/(I(para) + I(perp)). In 1988 a new cycle of measuring the Stokes parameters of lidar returns from scattering media irradiated with a linearly polarized light was started. Based on the lidar data obtained during the 1988-1990 period, a classification of scattering ensembles was made which reveals five types of the scattering particle ensembles differing by a combination of the Stokes parameters. In the 1990-1991 period, a cycle of measurements of the lidar returns' Stokes parameters was carried out using sounding radiation.
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