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タイトルMeteoroid and debris special investigation group; status of 3-D crater analysis from binocular imagery
著者(英)See, Thomas H.; Zolensky, Michael E.; Sapp, Clyde A.
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述During the 3 month deintegration of the LDEF, the M&D SIG generated approximately 5000 digital color stereo image pairs of impact related features from all space exposed surfaces. Currently, these images are being processed at JSC to yield more accurate feature information. Work is currently underway to determine the minimum number of data points necessary to parametrically define impact crater morphologies in order to minimize the man-hour intensive task of tie point selection. Initial attempts at deriving accurate crater depth and diameter measurements from binocular imagery were based on the assumption that the crater geometries were best defined by paraboloid. We made no assumptions regarding the crater depth/diameter ratios but instead allowed each crater to define its own coefficients by performing a least-squares fit based on user-selected tiepoints. Initial test cases resulted in larger errors than desired, so it was decided to test our basic assumptions that the crater geometries could be parametrically defined as paraboloids. The method for testing this assumption was to carefully slice test craters (experimentally produced in an appropriate aluminum alloy) vertically through the center resulting in a readily visible cross-section of the crater geometry. Initially, five separate craters were cross-sectioned in this fashion. A digital image of each cross-section was then created, and the 2-D crater geometry was then hand-digitized to create a table of XY position for each crater. A 2nd order polynomial (parabolic) was fitted to the data using a least-squares approach. The differences between the fit equation and the actual data were fairly significant, and easily large enough to account for the errors found in the 3-D fits. The differences between the curve fit and the actual data were consistent between the caters. This consistency suggested that the differences were due to the fact that a parabola did not sufficiently define the generic crater geometry. Fourth and 6th order equations were then fitted to each crater cross-section, and significantly better estimates of the crater geometry were obtained with each fit. Work is presently underway to determine the best way to make use of this new parametric crater definition.
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