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タイトルEllipsometric study of oxide films formed on LDEF metal samples
著者(英)Sengupta, L. C.; Franzen, W.; Brodkin, J. S.; Sagalyn, P. L.
著者所属(英)Army Materials Technology Lab.
内容記述The optical constants of samples of six different metals (Al, Cu, Ni, Ta, W, and Zr) exposed to space on the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) were studied by variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry. Measurements were also carried out on portions of each sample which were shielded from direct exposure by a metal bar. A least-squares fit of the data using an effective medium approximation was then carried out, with thickness and composition of surface films formed on the metal substrates as variable parameters. The analysis revealed that exposed portions of the Cu, Ni, Ta, and Zr samples are covered with porous oxide films ranging in thickness from 500 to 1000 A. The 410 A thick film of Al2O3 on the exposed Al sample is practically free of voids. Except for Cu, the shielded portions of these metals are covered by thin non-porous oxide films characteristic of exposure to air. The shielded part of the Cu sample has a much thicker porous coating of Cu2O. The tungsten data could not be analyzed.
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