JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSystem considerations, projected requirements and applications for aeronautical mobile satellite communications for air traffic services
著者(英)Mcdonald, K. D.; Miller, C. M.; Dement, D. K.; Scales, W. C.
著者所属(英)Federal Aviation Administration
内容記述The projected application and requirements in the near term (to 1995) and far term (to 2010) for aeronautical mobile services supporting air traffic control operations are addressed. The implications of these requirements on spectrum needs, and the resulting effects on the satellite design and operation are discussed. The U.S. is working with international standards and regulatory organizations to develop the necessary aviation standards, signalling protocols, and implementation methods. In the provision of aeronautical safety services, a number of critical issues were identified, including system reliability and availability, access time, channel restoration time, interoperability, pre-emption techniques, and the system network interfaces. Means for accomplishing these critical services in the aeronautical mobile satellite service (AMSS), and the various activities relating to the future provision of aeronautical safety services are addressed.
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