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タイトルCoordinated solar observations obtained during the GRO/Max 1991 target-of-opportunity campaign of June 1991
著者(英)Kiplinger, Alan L.
著者所属(英)National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Colorado Univ.
内容記述Max 1991 is a program designed to facilitate coordinated observations of solar activity. The program provides and infrastructure for supporting coordinated observations during observing 'campaigns' through various means of electronic communications combined with the ability to monitor real-time solar conditions at NOAA's Space Environment Laboratory. Prior to the extreme solar activity exhibited by active region 6659 combined with the repointing of the Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO) provided Max 1991 with its first opportunity to call an unscheduled campaign and the world community responded with a surprising degree of observational support. Some of the activity and some of the types of observations that were collected simultaneously with the GRO complement of instruments.
権利No Copyright
