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タイトルLidar measurements at Garmisch, conversion model, and midlatitude aerosol effects
著者(英)Jaeger, Horst
著者所属(英)Fraunhofer-Inst. fuer Atmosphaerische Umweltforschung
内容記述Lidar backscatter soundings of stratospheric aerosol layer were routinely made at the IFU, Garmisch-Partenkirchen. After 1979 significant perturbations of the stratosphere were observed after volcano eruptions from 1980 to 1985. A volcanically quiescent period followed until the eruption at the end of 1989. Determinations of particle extinction, mass and surface area of the stratospheric particulate load are important in climatic considerations and heterogeneous chemistry effects. Balloon-borne particle counter measurements are used to derive height and time resolved conversion factors to convert lidar backscatter data to extinction, mass and surface area values. This is done by combining particle size distributions with Mie backscatter and extinction functions. These conversion factors are applicable to midlatitude lidar observations and were used to convert ruby lidar measurement at the IFU.
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