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タイトルLASSO, two-way, and GPS time comparisons: A (very) preliminary status report
著者(英)Clements, A.; Hanson, Wayne; Torre, J. M.; Veillet, Christian J. L.; Baumont, Francoise S.; Gaignebet, Jean C.; Feraudy, D.; Grudler, P.; Mangin, J. F.; Hatat, J. L.
著者所属(英)Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur
内容記述The first results are presented on the time transfer experiments between TUG (Graz, Austria) and OCA (Grasse, France) using common view Global Positioning System (GPS) and two-way stations at both sites. The present data, providing arms of the clock offsets of 2 to 3 nanoseconds for a three month period, have to be further analyzed before any conclusions on the respective precision and accuracy of these techniques can be drawn. Two years after its start, the Laser Synchronization from Stationary Orbit (LASSO) experiment is finally giving its first results at TUG and OCA. The first analysis of three common sessions permitted researchers to conclude that the LASSO package on board Meteosat P2 is working satisfactorily, and that time transfer using this method should provide clock offsets at better than 1 nanosecond precision, and clock rates at better than 10(exp -12) s/s in a 5 to 10 minutes session. A new method for extracting this information from the raw data sent by LASSO should enhance the performances of this experiment, exploiting the stability of the on-board oscillator.
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