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タイトルPreliminary results from the chemistry of micrometeoroid experiment (AO 187-1)
著者(英)Horz, Friedrich; See, Thomas H.; Bernhard, R. P.; Laurance, M.; Brownlee, Don E.; Warren, J.
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述The purpose of experiment AO 187-1 was to expose high purity substrates of suitable cratering properties to obtain detailed crater statistics that may be converted into projectile masses and fluxes and to chemically characterize as many impactors as possible. The latter information would hopefully reveal distinct classes of natural and man-made particles in low-Earth orbit. It was found that crater that yield residues show that natural and man-made impactors may be differentiated and that diversity exists within each group. 'Chondritic' compositions dominate among natural particles, yet some craters contain unmelted fragments of minerals (Olivine and pyroxene).
権利No Copyright
