JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルStudies of solar type stars
著者(英)Jastrow, Robert; Baliunas, Sallie
著者所属(英)Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
内容記述Satellite observations show a change of 0.1 percent in solar irradiance over the past decade. The question arises as to whether larger changes in irradiance may occur over century time scales. Researchers approached this question by looking at changes in surface magnetism, since the satellite observations also show that irradiance and surface magnetism are correlated. To obtain information on possible variations in surface magnetism over century-long intervals, researchers looked at records of surface magnetism spanning up to 20 years for a sample of 74 stars of solar type, i.e., of similar age and mass to the sun. The histories of these stars, observed in random phases of their long-term variability, give a snapshot at any one time of the behavior of a solar-type star over long periods of time. Evidence on Maunder Minimum phases and levels of magnetic activity in these solar-type stars are compared with information on solar magnetism. Implications for solar irradiance changes are discussed.
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