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タイトルRESOLVE: An International Mission to Search for Volatiles at the Lunar Poles
著者(英)Elphic, Richard C.; Picard, Martin; Quinn, Jacqueline W.; Larson, William E.; Sanders, Gerald B.; Colaprete, Anthony
著者所属(英)NASA Kennedy Space Center
内容記述Numerous studies have shown that the use of space resources to manufacture propellant and consumables can significantly reduce the launch mass of space exploration beyond earth orbit. Even the Moon, which has no atmosphere, is ricb in resources that can theoretically be harvested. A series of lunar missions over the last 20 years has shown an unexpected resource on the Moon. There is evidence that water ice and other volatiles useful for the production of propellants are located at the lunar poles, though most of it is located within permanently shadowed craters where accessing these resources is challenging.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
