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タイトルStatus of the NEXT Ion Engine Wear Test
著者(英)Gardner, Michael M.; Kamhawi, Hani; Domonkos, Matthew T.; Patterson, Michael J.; Soulas, George C.
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述The status of the NEXT 2000 hour wear test is presented. This test is being conducted with a 40 cm engineering model ion engine, designated EM1, at a beam current higher than listed on the NEXT throttle table. Pretest performance assessments demonstrated that EM1 satisfies all thruster performance requirements. As of 7/3/03, the ion engine has accumulated 406 hours of operation at a thruster input power of 6.9 kW. Overall ion engine performance, which includes thrust, thruster input power, specific impulse, and thrust efficiency, has been steady to date with no indications of performance degradation. Images of the downstream discharge cathode, neutralizer, and accelerator aperture surfaces have exhibited no significant erosion to date.
NASA分類Spacecraft Propulsion and Power
AIAA Paper 2003-4863
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
