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タイトルSpace Exploration: A Risk for Neural Stem Cells
著者(英)Switzer, Robert C.; Vazquez, Marcelo E.; Enikolopov, Grigori; Chamberland, Dennis W.; Encinas, Juan M.; Steindler, Dennis A.; Nick, Harry; Scarpa, Philip J.; Levine, Howard G.
著者所属(英)NASA Kennedy Space Center
内容記述During spaceflights beyond low Earth orbit, astronauts are exposed to potentially carcinogenic and tissue damaging galactic cosmic rays, solar proton events, and secondary radiation that includes neutrons and recoil nuclei produced by nuclear reactions in spacecraft walls or in tissue (1). Such radiation risk may present a significant health risk for human exploration of the moon and Mars. Emerging evidence that generation of new neurons in the adult brain may be essential for learning, memory, and mood (2) and that radiation is deleterious to neurogenesis (3-5) underscores a previously unappreciated possible risk to the cognitive functions and emotional stability of astronauts exposed to radiation in space. Here we use a novel reporter mouse line to identify at-risk populations of stem and progenitor cells in the brain and find, unexpectedly, that quiescent stem-like cells (rather than their rapidly dividing progeny) in the hippocampus constitute the most vulnerable cell population. This finding raises concerns about the possible risks facing astronauts on long duration space missions.
NASA分類Aerospace Medicine
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
