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タイトルProduction of Methane and Water from Crew Plastic Waste
著者(英)Strayer, Richard F.; Garland, Jay L.; Santiago, Eddie; Captain, Janine; Parrish, Clyde
著者所属(英)NASA Kennedy Space Center
内容記述Recycling is a technology that will be key to creating a self sustaining lunar outpost. The plastics used for food packaging provide a source of material that could be recycled to produce water and methane. The recycling of these plastics will require some additional resources that will affect the initial estimate of starting materials that will have to be transported from earth, mainly oxygen, energy and mass. These requirements will vary depending on the recycling conditions. The degredation products of these plastics will vary under different atmospheric conditions. An estimate of the the production rate of methane and water using typical ISRU processes along with the plastic recycling will be presented.
NASA分類Man/System Technology and Life Support
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
