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タイトルControl Requirements to Support Manual Piloting Capability
著者(英)Merancy, Nujoud; Spehar, Pete; Gonzalez, Rodolfo; Madsen, Jennifer; Chevray, Kay
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述The manual piloting requirements specified under the NASA Constellation Program involved Cooper-Harper ratings, which are a qualitative and subjective evaluation from experienced pilots. This type of verification entails a significant investment of resources to assess a completed design and is not one that can easily or meaningfully be applied upfront in the design phase. The evolution of the Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle Program to include an independently developed propulsion system from an international partner makes application of Cooper-Harper based design requirements inadequate. To mitigate this issue, a novel solution was developed to reformulate the necessary piloting capability into quantifiable requirements. A trio of requirements was designed which specify control authority, precision, and impulse residuals enabling propulsion design within specified guidance and control boundaries. These requirements have been evaluated against both the existing Orion design and the proposed ESA design and have been found to achieve the desired specificity. The requirement set is capable of being applied to the development of other spacecraft in support of manual piloting.
NASA分類Spacecraft Propulsion and Power
レポートNOAAS 13-051
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
