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タイトルSpace Shuttle Orbiter Digital Outer Mold Line Scanning
著者(英)Berger, Karen; Campbell, Charles H.; Pavek, Mike; Wilson, Brad
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述The Space Shuttle Orbiters Discovery and Endeavor have been digitally scanned to produce post-flight configuration outer mold line surfaces. Very detailed scans of the windward side of these vehicles provide resolution of the detailed tile step and gap geometry, as well as the reinforced carbon carbon nose cap and leading edges. Lower resolution scans of the upper surface provide definition of the crew cabin windows, wing upper surfaces, payload bay doors, orbital maneuvering system pods and the vertical tail. The process for acquisition of these digital scans as well as post-processing of the very large data set will be described.
NASA分類Aircraft Design, Testing and Performance
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
