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タイトルThe Search for Effective Algorithms for Recovery from Loss of Separation
著者(英)Maddalon, Jeffrey M.; Narawicz, Anthony J.; Hagen, George E.; Munoz, Cesar A.; Butler, Ricky W.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述Our previous work presented an approach for developing high confidence algorithms for recovering aircraft from loss of separation situations. The correctness theorems for the algorithms relied on several key assumptions, namely that state data for all local aircraft is perfectly known, that resolution maneuvers can be achieved instantaneously, and that all aircraft compute resolutions using exactly the same data. Experiments showed that these assumptions were adequate in cases where the aircraft are far away from losing separation, but are insufficient when the aircraft have already lost separation. This paper describes the results of this experimentation and proposes a new criteria specification for loss of separation recovery that preserves the formal safety properties of the previous criteria while overcoming some key limitations. Candidate algorithms that satisfy the new criteria are presented.
NASA分類Air Transportation and Safety
権利No Copyright
