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タイトルSolar Thermal Upper Stage Liquid Hydrogen Pressure Control Testing and Analytical Modeling
著者(英)Cady, E. C.; Hastings, L. J.; Jenkins, D. S.; Chandler, F. O.; Flachbart, R. H.; Lopez, A.; Grayson, G. D.; Olsen, A. D.; Pedersen, K. W.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述The demonstration of a unique liquid hydrogen (LH2) storage and feed system concept for solar thermal upper stage was cooperatively accomplished by a Boeing/NASA Marshall Space Flight Center team. The strategy was to balance thermodynamic venting with the engine thrusting timeline during a representative 30-day mission, thereby, assuring no vent losses. Using a 2 cubic m (71 cubic ft) LH2 tank, proof-of-concept testing consisted of an engineering checkout followed by a 30-day mission simulation. The data were used to anchor a combination of standard analyses and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. Dependence on orbital testing has been incrementally reduced as CFD codes, combined with standard modeling, continue to be challenged with test data such as this.
NASA分類Spacecraft Propulsion and Power
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
