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タイトルModeling Solar-Wind Heavy-Ions' Potential Sputtering of Lunar KREEP Surface
著者(英)Barghouty, A. F.; Adams, J. H., Jr.; Meyer, F. W.; Harris, R. P.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Recent laboratory data suggest that potential sputtering may be an important weathering mechanism that can affect the composition of both the lunar surface and its tenuous exosphere; its role and implications, however, remain unclear. Using a relatively simple kinetic model, we will demonstrate that solar-wind heavy ions induced sputtering of KREEP surfaces is critical in establishing the timescale of the overall solar-wind sputtering process of the lunar surface. We will also also show that potential sputtering leads to a more pronounced and significant differentiation between depleted and enriched surface elements. We briefly discuss the impacts of enhanced sputtering on the composition of the regolith and the exosphere, as well as of solar-wind sputtering as a source of hydrogen and water on the moon.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
