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タイトルObservations of C-band Brightness Temperature from the Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD) During GRIP
著者(英)Atlas, R.; James, M. W.; Jones, W. L.; Biswas, S.; Ruf, C. S.; Roberts, J. B.; May, C.; Black, Peter G.; Buckley, C. D.; Uhlhorn, E. W.; Miller, Timothy L.; Albers, C.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述HIRAD is a new technology developed by NASA/MSFC, in partnership with NOAA and the Universities of Central Florida, Michigan, and Alabama-Huntsville. HIRAD is designed to measure wind speed and rain rate over a wide swath in heavy-rain, strong-wind conditions. HIRAD is expected to eventually fly routinely on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) such as Global Hawk over hurricanes threatening the U.S. coast and other Atlantic basin areas, and possibly in the Western Pacific as well. HIRAD first flew on GRIP in 2010 and is planned to fly 2012-14 on the NASA Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) missions on the Global Hawk, a high-altitude UAV. HIRAD technology will eventually be used on a satellite platform to extend the dynamical range of Ocean Surface Wind (OSV) observations from space.
NASA分類Instrumentation and Photography
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
