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タイトルNew Insights on the Accretion Disk-Winds Connection in Radio-Loud AGNs from Suzaku
著者(英)Mushotzky, R. F.; Reynolds, S.; Braito, V.; Tombesi, F.; Reeves, J. N.; Cappi, M.; Sambruna, R. M.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述From the spectral analysis of long Suzaku observations of five radio-loud AGNs we have been able to discover the presence of ultra-fast outflows with velocities ,,approx.0.1 c in three of them, namely 3C III, 3C 120 and 3C 390.3. They are consistent with being accretion disk winds/outflows. We also performed a follow-up on 3C III to monitor its outflow on approx.7 days time-scales and detected an anti-correlated variability of a possible relativistic emission line with respect to blue-shifted Fe K features, following a flux increase. This provides the first direct evidence for an accretion disc-wind connection in an AGN. The mass outflow rate of these outflows can be comparable to the accretion rate and their mechanical power can correspond to a significant fraction of the bolometric luminosity and is comparable to their typical jet power. Therefore, they can possibly play a significant role in the expected feedback from AGNs and can give us further clues on the relation between the accretion disk and the formation of winds/jets.
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