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タイトルManeuver Acoustic Flight Test of the Bell 430 Helicopter
著者(英)Greenwood, Eric; Snider, Royce; Watts, Michael E.; Baden, Joel
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述A cooperative flight test by NASA, Bell Helicopter and the U.S. Army to characterize the steady state acoustics and measure the maneuver noise of a Bell Helicopter 430 aircraft was accomplished. The test occurred during June/July, 2011 at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. This test gathered a total of 410 data points over 10 test days and compiled an extensive data base of dynamic maneuver measurements. Three microphone configurations with up to 31 microphones in each configuration were used to acquire acoustic data. Aircraft data included DGPS, aircraft state and rotor state information. This paper provides an overview of the test.
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
