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タイトルThe Increasing Use of Remote Sensing Data in Studying the Climatological Impacts on Public Health
著者(英)Golden, Meredith; Soebiyanto, Radina; Ceccato, Pietro; Maxwell, Susan; Benedict, Karl; Kempler, Steven; Tong, Daniel; Morian, Stan
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述One of the more fortunate outcomes of the capture and transformation of remote sensing data into applied information is their usefulness and impacts to better understanding climatological impacts on public health. Today, with petabytes of remote sensing data providing global coverage of climatological parameters, public health research and policy decision makers have an unprecedented (and growing) data record that relates the effects of climatic parameters, such as rainfall, heat, soil moisture, etc. to incidences and spread of disease, as well as predictive modeling. In addition, tools and services that specifically serve public health researchers and respondents have grown in response to needs of the these information users.
NASA分類Earth Resources and Remote Sensing
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
