JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルThe Standard Deviation of Launch Vehicle Environments
著者(英)Yunis, Isam
著者所属(英)NASA Kennedy Space Center
内容記述Statistical analysis is used in the development of the launch vehicle environments of acoustics, vibrations, and shock. The standard deviation of these environments is critical to accurate statistical extrema. However, often very little data exists to define the standard deviation and it is better to use a typical standard deviation than one derived from a few measurements. This paper uses Space Shuttle and expendable launch vehicle flight data to define a typical standard deviation for acoustics and vibrations. The results suggest that 3dB is a conservative and reasonable standard deviation for the source environment and the payload environment.
NASA分類Launch Vehicles and Launch Operations
権利No Copyright
