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タイトルA Novel Automated Method for Analyzing Cylindrical Computed Tomography Data
著者(英)Martin, R. E.; Burke, E. R.; Rauser, R. W.; Roth, D. J.
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述A novel software method is presented that is applicable for analyzing cylindrical and partially cylindrical objects inspected using computed tomography. This method involves unwrapping and re-slicing data so that the CT data from the cylindrical object can be viewed as a series of 2-D sheets in the vertical direction in addition to volume rendering and normal plane views provided by traditional CT software. The method is based on interior and exterior surface edge detection and under proper conditions, is FULLY AUTOMATED and requires no input from the user except the correct voxel dimension from the CT scan. The software is available from NASA in 32- and 64-bit versions that can be applied to gigabyte-sized data sets, processing data either in random access memory or primarily on the computer hard drive. Please inquire with the presenting author if further interested. This software differentiates itself in total from other possible re-slicing software solutions due to complete automation and advanced processing and analysis capabilities.
NASA分類Computer Programming and Software
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
