JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルIntegrated Systems Health Management for Intelligent Systems
著者(英)Figueroa, Fernando; Melcher, Kevin
著者所属(英)NASA Stennis Space Center
内容記述The implementation of an integrated system health management (ISHM) capability is fundamentally linked to the management of data, information, and knowledge (DIaK) with the purposeful objective of determining the health of a system. Management implies storage, distribution, sharing, maintenance, processing, reasoning, and presentation. ISHM is akin to having a team of experts who are all individually and collectively observing and analyzing a complex system, and communicating effectively with each other in order to arrive at an accurate and reliable assessment of its health. In this chapter, concepts, procedures, and approaches are presented as a foundation for implementing an ISHM capability relevant to intelligent systems. The capability stresses integration of DIaK from all elements of a system, emphasizing an advance toward an on-board, autonomous capability. Both ground-based and on-board ISHM capabilities are addressed. The information presented is the result of many years of research, development, and maturation of technologies, and of prototype implementations in operational systems.
NASA分類Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
権利No Copyright
