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タイトルComputational Models of Exercise on the Advanced Resistance Exercise Device (ARED)
著者(英)Caldwell, Erin; DeWitt, John; Newby, Nate; Poutz-Snyder, Lori; Fincke, Renita; Scott-Pandorf, Melissa; Peters,Brian
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述Muscle and bone loss remain a concern for crew returning from space flight. The advanced resistance exercise device (ARED) is used for on-orbit resistance exercise to help mitigate these losses. However, characterization of how the ARED loads the body in microgravity has yet to be determined. Computational models allow us to analyze ARED exercise in both 1G and 0G environments. To this end, biomechanical models of the squat, single-leg squat, and deadlift exercise on the ARED have been developed to further investigate bone and muscle forces resulting from the exercises.
NASA分類Man/System Technology and Life Support
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
