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タイトルSTEREO Observations of Solar Energetic Particles
著者(英)Leske, Richard; Cohen, Christina; Mewaldt, Richard; Stone, Edward; Christian, Eric; Wiedenbeck, Mark; vonRosenvinge, Tycho
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述We report on observations of Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events as observed by instruments on the STEREO Ahead and Behind spacecraft and on the ACE spacecraft. We will show observations of an electron event observed by the STEREO Ahead spacecraft on June 12, 2010 located at W74 essentially simultaneously with electrons seen at STEREO Behind at E70. Some similar events observed by Helios were ascribed to fast electron propagation in longitude close to the sun. We will look for independent verification of this possibility. We will also show observations of what appears to be a single proton event with very similar time-history profiles at both of the STEREO spacecraft at a similar wide separation. This is unexpected. We will attempt to understand all of these events in terms of corresponding CME and radio burst observations.
NASA分類Solar Physics
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
