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タイトルMergers of Black-Hole Binaries with Aligned Spins: Waveform Characteristics
著者(英)McWilliams, Sean T.; Centrella, Joan; Kelly, Bernard J.; vanMeter, James R.; Boggs, William D.; Baker, John G.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述"We apply our gravitational-waveform analysis techniques, first presented in the context of nonspinning black holes of varying mass ratio [1], to the complementary case of equal-mass spinning black-hole binary systems. We find that, as with the nonspinning mergers, the dominant waveform modes phases evolve together in lock-step through inspiral and merger, supporting the previous model of the binary system as an adiabatically rigid rotator driving gravitational-wave emission - an implicit rotating source (IRS). We further apply the late-merger model for the rotational frequency introduced in [1], along with a new mode amplitude model appropriate for the dominant (2, plus or minus 2) modes. We demonstrate that this seven-parameter model performs well in matches with the original numerical waveform for system masses above - 150 solar mass, both when the parameters are freely fit, and when they are almost completely constrained by physical considerations."
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
