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タイトルCharacterizing TPS Microstructure: A Review of Some techniques
著者(英)Stackpole, Mairead; Gasch, Matthew; Chavez-Garcie, Jose; Agrawal, Parul
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述I. When seeking to understand ablator microstructure and morphology there are several useful techniques A. SEM 1) Visual characteriza3on at various length scales. 2) Chemical mapping by backscatter or x-ray highlights areas of interest. 3) Combined with other techniques (density, weight change, chemical analysis) SEM is a powerful tool to aid in explaining thermo/structural data. B. ASAP. 1) Chemical characteriza3on at various length scales. 2) Chemical mapping of pore structure by gas adsorption. 3) Provides a map of pore size vs. pore volume. 4) Provided surface area of exposed TPS. II. Both methods help characterize and understand how ablators react with other chemical species and provides insight into how they oxidize.
NASA分類Chemistry and Materials (General)
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
