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タイトルAtmospheric Reentry Materials and Structures Evaluation Facility (ARMSEF). User Test Planning Guide
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center; NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述Test process, milestones and inputs are unknowns to first-time users of the ARMSEF. The User Test Planning Guide aids in establishing expectations for both NASA and non-NASA facility customers. The potential audience for this guide includes both internal and commercial spaceflight hardware/software developers. It is intended to assist their test engineering personnel in test planning and execution. Material covered includes a roadmap of the test process, roles and responsibilities of facility and user, major milestones, facility capabilities, and inputs required by the facility. Samples of deliverables, test article interfaces, and inputs necessary to define test scope, cost, and schedule are included as an appendix to the guide.
NASA分類Space Sciences (General)
権利No Copyright
