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タイトルOvercoming Molehills and Mountains Implementing a New Program
著者(英)Stephens, Karen; McDougal, John; Salute, Joan
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center; NASA Headquarters
内容記述This slide presentation reviews some of the challenges and accomplishments of implementing a new program. The purpose of the presentation is to: (1) Share the challenges that were encountered formulating a new program concurrent with formulating & implementing new spacecraft development projects: (a) Immature mission concepts put on the fast track (b) Need to reconcile ambitious objectives with cost and budget reality (c) Changes of major stakeholders (d) Timing, timing, timing (e) Changing ground rules, assumptions, and risk tolerance (f) The role of centers, (2) Share the successes to date despite the challenges (3) Demonstrate how interdependencies between the program, projects, NASA HQ environment, and external political forces affect the process, and how expectations must be managed while dealing with external factors and great change.
NASA分類Administration and Management
権利No Copyright
