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タイトルMono Lake Analog Mars Sample Return Expedition for AMASE
著者(英)Eigenbrode, J. E.; Backes, P.; Morgan, A. R.; Conrad, P. G.; Younse, P.; Steele, A.; DiCicco, M.; Amundsen, H. E. F.; Marquardt, D.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述We explored the performance of one robotic prototype for sample acquisition and caching of martian materials that has been developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for potential use in the proposed MAX-C Mars Sample Return architecture in an environment, rich in chemical diversity with a variety of mineralogical textures. Mono Lake State Tufa Reserve in Mono County, CA possesses a variety of minerals including a variety of evaporites, volcanic glass and lava, and sand and mudstones. The lake itself is an interesting chemical system: the water is highly alkaline (pH is approximately 10) and contains concentrations of Cl, K, B, with lesser amounts of S Ca Mg, F, As, Li, I and Wand generally enriched HREEs. There are also traces of radioactive elements U, Th, Pl.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
