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タイトルCombining Hydrological Modeling and Remote Sensing Observations to Enable Data-Driven Decision Making for Devils Lake Flood Mitigation in a Changing Climate
著者(英)Teng, Williams; Kirilenko, Andrei; Zhang, Xiaodong; Lim, Howe
著者所属(英)Wyle Labs., Inc.
内容記述This slide presentation reviews work to combine the hydrological models and remote sensing observations to monitor Devils Lake in North Dakota, to assist in flood damage mitigation. This reports on the use of a distributed rainfall-runoff model, HEC-HMS, to simulate the hydro-dynamics of the lake watershed, and used NASA's remote sensing data, including the TRMM Multi-Satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) and AIRS surface air temperature, to drive the model.
NASA分類Earth Resources and Remote Sensing
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
